Utilisol™ Solar Carports

Our Utilisol™ solar carport combines innovation, versatility and efficiency to deliver large-scale, cost-effective renewable energy solutions.

Designed as a robust steel cantilever structure, Utilisol™ is fast to install and can be customised to your specific needs, allowing you to maximise renewable energy generation while minimizing operational disruption.

Utilisol Solar Carport - single roof

Key Features of Utilisol Carports

Utilisol Solar Carport - single 2

Cantilever Design

The Utilisol™ cantilever design provides maximum roof area for energy generation from a relatively small footprint, ensuring parking spaces are not lost.

Utilisol Solar Carport - single

Optimised For Your Location

Utilisol™’s design is adapted to your carpark’s location to maximise energy generation, including orientation, tilt and foundation type.

Steel Ibeam manufacturing and welding

High Quality Steel

Manufactured in Europe from high-quality steel to Eurocodes 1990, 1991 and 1993, and hot dip galvanized to EN 1461. Utilisol™ can also be powdercoated in a colour of your choice.

cantilever steel canopy structural testing on a computer

Design Standards

Our Utilisol™ carports are designed to stand the test of time, and are structurally tested for loadbearing and wind resistance. The waterproof sub-roof keeps users and their vehicles dry.

Benefits of Utilisol Solar Carports

Cost-Effective Solution

The Utilisol is an extremely cost-effective solution for covering large areas, while the innovative foundation design reduces groundworks, keeping installation costs down.

Rapid Installation

Designed to be installed rapidly with an innovative piling technique instead of excavating large foundations, operational disruption is kept to a minimum during the installation period.

Made in Europe

The Utilisol is manufactured in Europe, keeping quality standards high, transport emissions low, and ensuring commercially beneficial lead times.

Highly Customisable

The Utilisol modular design enables a high level of customisation, including the roof size, orientation, and tilt angle to maximise energy generation.

Looking to generate renewable energy quickly and cost-effectively?

Utilisol Solar Carport - double roof

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